Create an Attractive Infographic for Email Marketing

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How to Create an Attractive Infographic for Email Marketing

What content formats do you often use when sending email marketing to your contact base? Texts, images, audios, or videos? Have you ever considered using infographics? The infographic is nothing more than an illustration designed or assembled to present a particular theme. It fits into the rich materials category and is a visual representation that appropriates texts, drawings, and other elements to make the understanding of a complex, extensive, or serious subject more playful.

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  1. How to create an attractive infographic for email marketing?
    1. Planning
    2. Domain on the topic
    3. Textual and visual organization
    4. Final words

How to create an attractive infographic for email marketing?

Creating an infographic goes beyond making cool designs and distributing the information. There are other details that make all the difference to the success of this piece. You need to know the main points:


The infographic is part of an email marketing or content marketing strategy, more specifically. Therefore, it must have goals, objectives, and analytics metrics like any other action. Its use can be converting contacts into leads, searching for more information from a lead group, or increasing brand visibility.

It is important to define in the planning the target audience of the piece and if it will be allocated a budget for its production.

Domain on the topic

At this stage, it is essential to gather information and study the topics to be addressed in the infographic. This is the time to evaluate the accuracy of the data and eliminate any content errors.

Textual and visual organization

This is the time to separate and organize your content into topics and hierarchies, overlapping the most important secondary information. The same goes for images by inserting and positioning them with related text blocks.

Besides, there is a powerful tool that can speed up the process of creating an infographic. It allows the advisor to take advantage of visual strategies to improve the delivery of results to the client. Yes? It is DesignCap, an easy-to-use graphics editor.

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With the tool, you have the option to learn how to make an infographic quickly and with the help of well-designed layout templates. There are several free options to choose from and create rich content for your customer.

Interestingly, DesignCap has provided lots of ready-made templates, with easy editing using the famous drag-and-drop. All you need to do is just click and change texts, fonts, colors and layout of elements. Despite its few features, it is excellent for those just starting to create this kind of content and needs something simpler not to give up the task altogether! In terms of value, in addition to the free plan, paid is the cheapest we can find: only $ 4.99 per month.

If you want more information about DesignCap, click on the link:

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Final words

 All in all, the advantage of using infographics in email marketing campaigns is that it generates more value for the public. This helps you deliver your content more efficiently, improves lead relationships, and increases business opportunities. Being a visual tool, the graphic presentation through infographic is very important for your email marketing.


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