Important SEO Ranking Factors that Matter in 2019!

Important SEO Ranking |

Important SEO Ranking Factors that Matter in 2019!

There are 1,518,207,412 (according to Netcraft's January 2019 Web Server Survey) as compared to 1,805,260,010 in January 2018.

In this age of growing competition, it’s necessary to upgrade your website for a successful operation.

SEO trends already surviving have roots in the current algorithm — and with a little creativity, it’s entirely possible for you to rank well in 2019 and also in the future years.

Here are the 5 ranking factors that will most efficiently move the stake for any business in 2019.

Important SEO Ranking

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  1.  1) A Safe and Approachable Website
  2. 2) Technical SEO
  3. 3) Voice Search
  4. 4) Mobile-friendly content
  5. 5) Speed of the page
  6. In Conclusion

 1) A Safe and Approachable Website

For a brand who aims to rank high in the SEO rankings, it’s extremely crucial to build a safe, secure approachable website. A robots.txt file that would inform Google where it can and can’t look for your site information (robots.txt file gives instructions about the site to web robots).

A website established with an efficiently-coded website builder.

A sitemap is essential which would list all your pages.

2) Technical SEO

These are some of the points that need to be looked on:

By the usage of U keyword and phrases in page titles, which is where Google first looks to determine which content is relevant to which search.

By the proper use of schema mark-up which would inform Google about the kind of content. Header tags can be used to manifest the content hierarchy.

3) Voice Search

According to Google, 72 per cent of people who own a voice-activated speaker says that their devices are often used as part of their daily routine. ( according to voicify)

 It’s evident that since the growth of AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, and Cortona, a new way of searching is evident.

4) Mobile-friendly content

This means that a website’s compatibility with mobile now directly affects its search rankings. In the past, web designers built desktop versions first, then mobile. Today, with mobile usage surpassing desktop, websites should prioritize mobile versions to provide a better user experience.

Even though Google has said they don’t publicly favour any one set way of doing mobile websites (whether it’s responsive, dynamic, or separate URLs) when it comes to rankings, a responsive website is their recommended format.

5) Speed of the page

With Google’s mobile-first index also slowly rolling out this year and last, mobile continues to be Google’s new preference.

For Amazon, just one second could cost it $1.6 billion in sales each year. And, The Telegraph, a British publication, found that a four-second delay reduced page views by 11.02 per cent.

Websites with slow page speed face a tough time ranking at top results. Google’s goal with these updates is to provide users with search results which include sites that provide the best user experience.

In Conclusion

Ranking factors will continue to change, but for now, these are the most important ranking factors. Each of the factors included here point towards creating a better answer for the user, which is an evergreen goal that Google has.

To improve the visibility of the website or a web page in popular search engines, search engine optimization (SEO) is considered the best option. But, this is not a process that can be handled on your own in the ever-growing competition in online business. Surely, you will have to Hire SEO Expert in India. By hiring an expert, you can expect your site to appear in the desired search engine list and get noticed by more and more visitors.


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